Fall 2007--Signup/Renew Your Library Card; New Library Programs-lectures, film series, book discussions...and a new carpet!

To misquote Ezra Pound, "Summer isagoin out, Lhude sing Goddamm,!"
But don't despair because we have a some new FICTION book titles; library programs; and physical changes at Brooks to entice you indoors again. And remember to checkout the website and new Library calendar to keep abreast of activities.
Part 1—Presidents and First Ladies”, at noon beginning September 12.
Lectures--Windham World Affairs Council of Vermont, on Friday evenings: Emmanuel Kattan
Senior Advisor, Office of the Secretariat, Alliance of Civilizations,United Nations
The Alliance of Civilizations: building partnerships across cultures and religions, beginning Friday, September 14.
Film Series--Sustainable Choices Film Series. Brooks Memorial Library, in partnership with Brattleboro Climate Protection, Vermont Earth Institute, Bonnyvale Environmental Education Center, Post-Oil Solutions, and Windham Environmental Coalition. Tuesday, September 11,at noon, and Wednesday, September 12, at 7pm, ReGeneration: Vermonters Making a Difference. For more information, call Paul Cameron at 802-251-8135

--Thursday, November 1, 7 pm: Ken Gloss of Antiques Roadshow and Boston's Brattle Books, to speak on rare books.
Main Floor panels--August/September Susan Bull Riley still life paintings, in oil; October/November Kate Spencer landscape paintings of the West, in oil
Exhibit Case on 2nd Floor--September Rare books from the library’s Fine Arts Collection; October/November Brattleboro Mineralogical Society
Children’s Book Illustrators cabinet (second floor)--August Thacher Hurd, author/ illustrator of nearly 200 children’s books, including Art Dog, Blackberry Ramble, Pea Patch Jig, Mama Don’t Allow; September/October Lita Judge from Peterborough, New Hampshire.
And, don't forget, the Library will be closed Friday through Monday until noon, August 24 to August 27, for a carpet installation on the main floor. We will be switching over to Fall hours after the Labor Day holiday. The Library will be open from 10 to 5 pm, Saturdays, beginning, September 8.
Labels: Fall 2007 events, First Wednesdays, New Fiction, Reading/discussion serie