Take the Library Survey

The Library Board of Trustees would like your input as we gather information in 2011 and begin to write the plan in 2012, revising our current strategic plan, Brooks Memorial Library 2007-2011: Continuing the Collections, Connections, and Collaborations
So far let me tell you what we've done. The Trustees created a Strategic Planning Committee comprised of myself, Sandra King, Children's Librarian; Trustees: Elizabeth Tannenbaum, Elizabeth Wohl, Pam Becker, Sara Glennon, John Nirenberg, and citizen Ann McCloskey.
We have hosted two community forums and a staff retreat where 50 library members and 12 staff discussed community visions, debated library SWOTs (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats), and refined some possible library priorities for the next 3 to 5 years.
So, please take some time to tell us a little about yourself, how you use the library, and what you think the priorities for the Brooks Memorial Library should be for this next strategic plan that will take us to 2016.
Go to the Library Survey
Labels: Library Survey, Strategic Plan