Vacation Plans? Brooks Library Offers Museum Passes
Brooks Memorial Library in Brattleboro is offering its card holders museum passes to selected local area museums.
“This service just seemed to be something we needed to do for Brattleboro, which is an arts and cultural community,” says Library Director, Jerry Carbone.
In addition, Carbone added, the economic recession is forcing people to take stay-vacations, and this service will help families’ vacation dollars go further.
Most museums offer library passes that allow either free or reduced admission through their doors, for adults who borrow the pass from the Library.
The twelve passes that the library will loan to borrowers are checked out for 3 days and may be reserved in advance online at, click on Museum Passes, or by calling the library at 802-254-5290.
The reservation system is easy to use: find the pass you want to borrow for the dates you want it; click on “details” to see the pass regulations; then click on “reserve pass.” You will be sent a confirmation email and a reminder that you have a pass reserved.
The Friends of Brooks Memorial Library, a support and advocacy group for the library since 1991, has provided funding for the passes, which include as of June 2011: Brattleboro Museum and Art Center (provided by the Museum); Historic Deerfield; Mass MoCA; Springfield (MA) Museums; Norman Rockwell Museum; the Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art; Bennington Museum; the ECHO Lake Aquarium and Science Center; Shelburne Museum; Vermont State Parks; Vermont Historic Sites (both of these provided courtesy of Vermont Department of Libraries, the Vermont Department of Forests, Parks, & Recreation, and the Vermont Division for Historic Preservation.)
Labels: museum passes