The Week Ahead at Brooks Memorial Library

Find Out What's New in the 2010 US Census
Wednesday, February 23, 2PM -- Library Meeting Room [SNOW DATE: THURSDAY, FEB 24, 2 PM]
Workshop by Chip Sawyer , University of Vermont Center for Rural Studies & Vermont Data Center
The release of the 2010 Census and new American Community Survey data will be the first time in a decade that new, comprehensive data on local demographic and economic characteristics become available from the U.S. Census Bureau.
Chip SawyerChip Sawyer from the UVM Center for Rural Studies will be on-hand for an interactive presentation and Q&A. Join us to find out more information on what changes to expect, where to find new data, and how it can be useful to you!
Chip Sawyer works at the University of Vermont Center for Rural Studies, where he manages research and outreach projects in community and economic development, food systems, and community planning. Chip specializes in support and technical assistance for local decision-makers and entrepreneurs in Vermont. He also manages the Vermont State Data Center at UVM and Chairs the Steering Committee of the Vermont Land Use Education and Training Collaborative. Chip holds Master's degrees in Public Administration and Natural Resource Planning from the University of Vermont.
Contact: Jerry Carbone 802-254-5290
Hobblebush Granite State Poetry Series:
Charles Pratt and Becky Dennison Sakellariou
Saturday, February 26, 1 PM -- Library Meeting Room
Hobblebush Books Poets Charles Pratt and Becky Dennison Sakellariou will read from their recent works.
Former New Hampshire Poet Laureate Patricia Fargnoli calls the Sakellariou's poems "carefully crafted with astonishing phrases and beautiful language and rhythms. Earth Listening, with its depth, its explorations of love and loss, and its spiritual awareness, seems to me like one long prayer. I love this book."
From the BoxAs X. J. Kennedy says, "for decades now, Charles Pratt has been quietly placing his distinctive poems in leading journals. Now at last the size of his achievement is made visible."
Hobblebush Books is an independent press dedicated to publishing books of the highest quality that present a unique voice and make a difference. They publish both literary and non-literary titles, and create books that are beautifully designed and printed
Contact: Jerry Carbone 802-254-5290
Labels: 2010 Census, Poetry Readings