As a department head with the
Town of Brattleboro I find myself at least one time each year in the Emergency Operations Center, located in the basement of the Municipal Center. Usually this has to do with a Vermont Yankee drill where I and Annette Cappy, the Town Clerk, participate as "Human Service Officers." Our role, as part of the
Town's Emergency Plan, is to contact and inform all registered, licensed day care providers, private schools, and special facilities, as to the event. We ask how many staff and clients they have today and what, if any, transportation needs they might require in the case of an evacuation of the facility.
The drill began today at 9:15 a.m. with a safety failure at the Plant, and has now progressed to a (hypothetical) radiation release with the evacuation of schools, children, etc. to the reception center in Bellows Falls, and the general public to a center in Greenfield, MA.
It appears that we-- including all of the members of this team--will be here for the rest of the day
Not my typical day as a Library Director in a small Vermont Town.
Labels: emergency operations center, Vermont Yankee exercise