A treasure from the stacks

Jeanne Walsh and Sharon Reidt are the collection evaluators for the adult library. They look at each and every book in our collection to see if it meets our collection development guidelines for retention. Sometimes we come across overlooked treasures such as this one. While reviewing titles in the 815 section on the main floor they encountered a rebound volume of the Political debates between Hon. Abraham Lincoln and Hon. Stephen A. Douglas, in the celebrated campaign of 1858, in Illinois : including the preceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc.; also, the two great speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio in 1859 as carefully prepared by the reporters of each party and published at the times of their delivery. This tome was published in 1860 by Follett, Foster, and Company. I am not sure when the library acquired it. The book as an accession number--which we no longer use--of 7484, and the shelf list record (inventory) does not exist for this book.
The book was donated to the library by Mrs. E. C Hayden to the Brattleboro Free Library. Here is another mystery to investigate: who was Mrs. Hayden? Does anyone know?
Labels: donations, Lincoln and Douglas, treasures in the stacks
Sharon and I had fun looking through the front of this volume, where there are advertisements for other publications - very interesting to see what was on the minds of U.S. citizens at the time. Also, the debate transcripts make it clear that the readers of 1858 had much longer attention spans! --Jeanne
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